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We Can Heal This

Writer's picture: Hannah DonkerslootHannah Donkersloot

The collective wound is growing. The parasite that sickens our culture is staring each one of us in the face. How are you gonna break free from this hurt? How are you gonna heal from the pain? How are you gonna stay safe from the fear that lives within your own body, feasting on all your worries, slowly taking over your heart and mind?

This is a very real threat. Fear is indeed what cripples us. It makes us weak and it keeps us locked into cages of “security.”  Fear robs us of our power, it creates separation and mistrust, which in turn lead to more harmful parasites.

These parasites work from the inside out. They start in your mind, first as doubts, worries, frustrations, negative thinking towards the self or others, impatience with life in general. Without conscious attention these feelings will begin to grow, much like weeds in a garden, multiplying and getting stronger. Anger, rage, hate, violence, acts of destruction, greed, jealousy, envy, despair…. these are the parasites that sicken our lives, making us ill, making us hurt one another or ourselves.

Each one of us is part of the whole that makes up our human population. Each one of us has healing work to do. Because the parasite has continued to grow and is fed by our current culture through the media, through various forms of entertainment, through the repeating of history that continues to rewrite itself as power over other. Fear is this need to conquer another, the need to destroy aspects of life that differ from our own.

Fear is a killer. And it’s everywhere.

So how can we rewrite history? How can we become the cure? How can we heal the hurt and transform the fear?

First, recognize it in yourself. It’s those sticky icky feelings that we tend to avoid, or drown out, repress, not accept, or just bypass. Rather than ignore it, we have to embrace it. No one wants to embrace the mess in the closet, it’s work. It’s pulling weeds and shoveling through our own shit. But if we can’t recognize the symptoms of a parasite on the inside, we can’t begin the healing journey. And it is a journey.

Second, don’t judge yourself. You wouldn’t judge yourself for getting a cold during flu season, so don’t judge yourself if you’ve picked up the ugly bug. And don’t judge another if they have it. This is an epidemic that’s being fed to the masses. We see it in our day to day societal living, it’s running our very culture and it has us running too.

Protect yourself. Everything is energy, and we absorb everything that comes into our field of being and consciousness. Don’t watch the violence on TV. Don’t buy into the sad horror story repeating itself. Don’t support war, hate or violence in any way, whether it’s in the form of a video game, movie-drama, or government agenda. Don’t feed the fear and definitely don’t eat it!

Instead, take your Power back. Choose differently. Create another option. Trust in life and in one another to do what’s right. Trust that there is another way, and we can create it from the inside out as we heal ourselves. We can bring awareness to the problems fear and separation create. We can redefine what power truly is and who we are as people. We can transform the energy of fear into our own liberation with the simple choices we make every day.

We are the love this world needs right now. We are the hope for healing, for freedom, for peace. And the more each one of us remembers this the greater we become both as individuals and as a species. Humanity has always had a choice. As people we hold unlimited potential. Unbind your power now. Take it back from the fears that would keep you greedy, resentful, jealous, defensive, afraid, blaming another….

We can heal this. We know how. We were born to break free and know love unconditionally. All of us. Together.


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