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New Moon. New Beginnings. New World.

Writer's picture: Hannah DonkerslootHannah Donkersloot

It’s a new day. A New Moon. A new cycle beginning.

From the dark stillness our world is dreamt into being and to the dark stillness we return, to release, to rebirth, to remember, to renew…..

The dark moon, the new moon, is a time for inner reflection. From the dark stillness, the unknown rises into consciousness. It is felt and sensed from the inside out, tip-toeing through our dreams, rippling in our fears, taking it’s seat beside our shadow. Be with it and let it be. Ride the currents down to the depths of your soul, where the source of your will waits to be recognized and replenished.

For most of us, this is the real work. Being still. Listening to the deep within. Facing the dark aspects of ourselves with complete devotion, and letting go. What layers have been worked through? What layers have left you stumped? What layers are peeling? What layers are healing?

What I love most about the New Moon is the energy of new beginnings, fresh starts. This is an invitation to shed off the old, release the past, compost what you can and consciously start over. From the dark stillness we become….thoughts, dreams, beliefs, words, and actions….the energy paves the way through our hearts and hands, we create the world anew.

Be wise with your ways. Learn from your mistakes. And be grateful to start again. Create consciously.

If you journeyed with us through this last lunar cycle, Congratulations on giving yourself the time and space to go beyond, to experience divine consciousness for yourself and the creative potentials both within us and around us. We are the only ones responsible for giving ourselves the gifts beyond ego’s grasp, to question our reality, to “crossover the threshold,” to deepen our relationship with Spirit, our connection to Nature, and our deeper self.

Our Journey continues now with the intention to both explore and experience the meaning of “Crossing over the threshold.” What does this mean to you? Have you had a successful experience of “Crossing over the Threshold?”

 Also, we have some deepening inquiry for those of you who initiated yourself during this last lunar cycle giving yourself your own journey experience….

-What journey were your more drawn towards? Were you more inclined to journey inward towards your inner self or take the journey out into the wild world? Why do you think that is?

-How did you experience your journey? Did you feel your way through the body? See the way in your mind’s eye? Hear guidance from within?  How did you experience your intuition?

– Has your intention changed? Why? Is your intention clear now? What is it?

We would love to hear about your experience! You are invited to be a part of our brand new NATURA Journeys Facebook Group, a place to share, explore, celebrate, and co-create a supportive community for your journey! Welcome! Join the Journey, introduce yourself, share your story…..

See You on the Otherside, NATURA


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